As its name clearly suggests, Free MP3 Cutter Joiner provides you with two key functions to work with your MP3 files. It allows you to extract a portion of an MP3 file (cut) and merge several MP3 files together into a single one (join). The program is very simple and intuitive, but its visual design has not been brought up to date since a long time ago.
The program's main window is divided into two sections – MP3 Cutter and MP3 Joiner. On the one hand, MP3 Cutter allows you to open an MP3 file and select the start and end points of the portion you want to extract. This section includes a panel that shows you the MP3 file's waveform, and it also has its own built-in audio player. You can select the start and end points either by clicking on the corresponding buttons as the song plays or by typing in the values directly using the "hh:mm:ss.fff" format. As you can see, the program allows you to define these points with millisecond precision.
On the other hand, the MP3 Joiner allows you to add multiple MP3 files to a joining list. Then you can select the output folder, and join the files with a simple click. While the MP3 Cutter function does not require any output quality configuration – as it works with a single MP3 file –, the MP3 Joiner function allows you to configure the output bit rate, the sampling rate, and the number of channels. This is required, as you may be trying to join MP3 files of different qualities. more
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